
Through evidence-based positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), we have implemented C.H.A.M.P.S.  This program helps our students learn socially appropriate behaviors in our school: classroom, hallways, the lunchroom, arrival and dismissal, and the bathroom.  
Staff will “CHAMP” a lesson or part of an activity to help students have clear expectations in the classroom. Staff will prepare the CHAMPs board, indicating the conversation level, way to access help, what kind of activity is happening, how to move in the classroom, and ways to participate.  At times, a student will be asked to review the CHAMPs board with their class as a classroom role.  

CHAMPs boards can be made small and individualized for students working independently, or an be accessed as the large CHAMPs board for a whole class instruction. CHAMPs can be used as a reminder for recess, school meetings, field trips, or any special activity where students need additional structure and support.  
